New to 4-H?

What is 4-H?
4-H is the youth development program of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It offers 3rd through 12th grade youth, ages 8 to 18, a wide variety of opportunities in various project areas. 4-H offers members hands-on experiences in leadership, community service, career discovery, building connections, and developing life-long skills.
4‑H empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. It’s a research-based experience that includes a mentor, a hands-on project, and a meaningful leadership opportunity
Power of Young People
In 4‑H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us. 4-H is YOUTH led which mean you will not see the adults running the club. The adults serve to assist and guide our youth. Our officers make up our executive board and they work hard to plan meetings that engage, encourage, and entertain all youth members.
Based on their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway in 4‑H. They select from a broad menu of local 4‑H programs. There are hands-on, learn-by-doing, opportunities for everyone.
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